Although the events of this year means we can’t celebrate LGBTQ+ excellence together in the way we’d want to, there was no way we were willing to let this moment past without recognising some truly inspiring individuals and organisations.
GAY TIMES Honours 2020 will return for a fourth year, with Honourees to be announced across our social and digital channels on 25-26 November.
We will be spotlighting remarkable people who work within our community, as well individuals across music, drag, sports and television.
Despite not being able to safely do the big event we had initially started to plan back in January, the very core of what GAY TIMES Honours stands for still remains; celebrating people and organisations that have had a profound impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the past 12 months.
This year’s virtual celebration will coincide with the release of our Winter 2020/21 issue of GAY TIMES Magazine, where some of our Honourees will feature on the cover.
Every single Honouree has a feature inside the new issue where we speak to them about the joys and challenges of their work – particularly during this incredibly uncertain year.
The full list of GAY TIMES Honours 2020 being handed out are as follows:
- GAY TIMES Honour for Amplifund Future Fighter
- GAY TIMES Honour for British Community Trailblazer
- GAY TIMES Honour for International Community Trailblazer
- GAY TIMES Honour for Elevate Rising Artist in Music
- GAY TIMES Honour for Allyship supported by GAYTIMES+
- GAY TIMES Honour for Sporting Hero
- GAY TIMES Honour for Community Entrepreneurship
- GAY TIMES en Español Honor para la Visibilidad LGTBIQ+ [GAYTIMES.es Honour for LGBTQ+ Visibility]
- GAY TIMES Honours for Drag Hero supported by Audi
- GAY TIMES Honours for Outstanding Impact
You will find out the winners for GAY TIMES Honours 2020 first on our Instagram channel, which you can follow here.
Last year’s event saw 1200 people attend at a huge celebration at Magazine London, with performances from Pabllo Vittar, Honey Dijon, L Devine, ALMA and Vincint.
Community figures and celebrities from across our community were in attendance, along with hundreds of members off the public who could get tickets for free. It was undoubtedly the biggest night of the LGBTQ+ calendar.
Trust us, when it is safe to once again come together in large numbers, GAY TIMES Honours will return as a physical event open to everyone.
Honourees in 2019 included Honey Dijon, Sex Education’s Ncuti Gatwa, Charli XCX, NFL player Ryan Russell, The Japanese House, L Devine, and The Commonwealth Equality Network, among others.