Snatched! is a GAY TIMES Original Podcast about all things Drag Race.
Hosted by Associate Editor Sam Damshenas and Fashion Editor Umar Sarwar, weekly episodes will hear them reviewing the brand new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK.
Sam and Umar will dissect all of the drama (and conflama) of the latest episode, including the maxi-challenge, runway, and – of course – the fierce lip-sync showdowns.
Snatched! will also include an exclusive guest appearance from the latest eliminated queen, who will spill all the T on their exit and their time on the series.
In this week’s episode, Sam and Umar discuss the queens’ daytime talk show debut, Morning Glory, the brewing relationship between frenemies A’Whora and Tia Kofi, as well as Ginny Lemon’s jaw-dropping exit.
“The reason I did it is because I had to stick with my integrity. I went onto that show to fuck it up, break the binary and to be punk,” the star tells Sam.
“I didn’t want to fight, and also, I’m not gonna play the rules of the game. There’s no way. I’ve never played by the rules, I’m not gonna start now!”
Ginny also reminisces on her beautiful conversation with Bimini Bon Boulash about their non-binary identities, and her unexpected choice for Snatch Game.
The first four episodes of Snatched! are now available on all streaming services, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.