The track has been three years in the making.

With songs like Timings and Platinum already out, Lord F has released his most personal song to date, Our Way Home. Through the song, the Brazilian-born singer expresses both his queer and Christian identities, explaining that the titular home in the song is heaven.

“Our Way Home sends a message of love at its true core,” the singer said. “Love is the centre of creation. It is well-being and compassion and desire for the best for all, knowing that the best is happening for all.

“I’m certain that God himself crafted the music and lyrics for this song as a reminder of what this is all about. Of what life is all about. We are all on a mission here, life is made of up’s and downs, high and lows, we fall and we stand up, and it’s gonna be like that for as long as we live.

“But it’s okay because this is not our final destination. We are on a mission here only finding our way home.”

The song was recorded three years ago, but Lord F had previously refrained from releasing it. However, after seeking guidance from God in church, he said he’d been told to not feel “afraid” and to release the song.

In a touching blog post about the song, the singer also reflected on his own battles with suicide. “My life is not at a good place in general,” he wrote. “I’m shooting for the stars and only getting rocks thrown my way.”

He adds: “I have to admit, suicide has been a constant thought throughout the past two years. I’m really trying to make this happen and it takes more than your soul.

“There has been many ups and downs, and each time they seem to get more intense, you learn how to grow thick skin but there’s only much one can take.”

He then praises God for helping him to realise that all he needed was “self-praise” to continue on with his journey. He concluded his post by saying: “Spreading love into the world with my music, touching as many hearts as I can, while I’m finding my way home. If you made it this far, I hope you let this message speak to you heart, and if it does, my job is complete.”

You can listen to the track, by following the link here.