Which sickening queen is going to take home the crown this year?
It’s that time again honey! Miss Sink the Pink is back and it’s bigger than evah, and this year, we have six fierce new contenders for the crown.
On 31 March at Troxy, Crayola, Bimini Bon Boulash, Frieda Slaves, Barbs, Taylor Trash and Lick Von Dyke will battle it out to be the new face of Sink the Pink.
In anticipation, we spoke to all six sickening entertainters and asked them generic pageant stuff, with some Miss Congeniality-esque questions thrown in of course. See below and let us know which queen you think will take home the title…
How did you come up with your drag name?
It was originally Crayola DeVil, and it was actually invented as a name for someone else – I took it back as soon as I realised how good it was! Eventually dropped the DeVil because I’m way more clown princess than vile villainess.
How would you describe your drag persona?
Campy, cute, colourful, cartoonish, a little bit craycray, and – sorry to break up the alliteration, but – wholesome AF.
Who are your drag inspirations?
Too many to name, but Brita Filter from NYC probably had the biggest impact on me – she’s the one who taught me it’s a drag queens job to build up the people and the community around her. This has been a guiding principle in my career, and, surprisingly, it’s this type of engagement that has become my favourite part about the job.
Why do you want to compete in the competition?
I come with my own crayon crown already, so I’m just here to make friends! But jokes aside, I honestly just want every damn person in attendance at the Troxy to feel inspired to be more authentically and joyfully themselves after watching my performance. If that merits a win from the judges, marvellous, but for me the real win is knowing that I’m healing the world around me.
What makes you stand out from your other competitors?
I’m quite literally a pop of colour – it helps me standout on any lineup really! More importantly, my focus is more on serving the community and my younger, marginalised peers than on myself. And actually, Taylor Trash is a beautiful example of this as well and I love her dearly for it.
Describe the perfect date…
Low pressure, no expectations, no toxic masculinity bullshit, and lots of laughter!
What is the best way to achieve world peace?
To stay courageously conscientious of privilege and structural prejudice. Question everything this broken ‘cistem’ has taught you. Protect trans children. Keep screaming black lives matter. Ban all civilians from owning semi-automatic weapons. Be radical in your kindness to others, and don’t stop until it’s become the norm.
Watch Crayola’s Meet the Queens video below.
Bimini Bon Boulash
How did you come up with your drag name?
Honestly, it’s such a boring story. One day I fell overboard while kayaking in the Caribbean. Then this humungous shark hit me with it’s tail and I blacked out almost instantly. What seemed to be hours passed before I was taken ashore by a psychic mermaid who told me that one day there was going to be a superstar drag queen named Bimini Bon Boulash. So I found the bitch, killed the bitch and stole the bitches name.
How would you describe your drag persona?
Highly spirited, high kicking and high fashion type of bitch! My style is always changing. One minute she’s a 90’s supermodel with a booty, then she’s a Bratz doll looking all moody and tomorrow she’ll be a punk rock pillow princess looking to boogie. She’s a versatile hoe.
Who are your drag inspirations?
I’ve always been inspired by women who are comfortable with their sexuality while running about their business and being a boss ass bitch. My mum taught me a lot about being independent and relying on myself to pay my bills and chase my dreams. I don’t think she meant become a drag queen, and also I’m still not rich, so maybe that wasn’t the best advice but at least I’m showing some sort of integrity.
Why do you want to compete in the competition?
Sink the Pink has always been iconic. Back in the days of BGWMC I always knew I wanted to be up on that stage. Sadly, I struggled a lot with mental health and confidence and I shut all my dreams away as stupid pretty much shut myself off from the world. After a lot of battling my demons I’ve come out the other side and learnt to accept my flaws, find the stupidity and the humour inside of me, and most importantly love myself. I feel like I’ve had a full circle moment and I’m ready to prove to the world that I’m a fucking superstar.
What makes you stand out from your other competitors?
My ridiculously big heels!
Describe the perfect date…
April 25th obviously! Was that a trick question to find out who the biggest queer is?
What is the best way to achieve world peace?
Let’s get all men out of office, particularly white cis men, and replace them all with women and members of the LGBTQI+ community. That way we might have some intuitive thinkers, empathetic decisions and some fuckin’ style man.
Watch Bimini’s Meet the Queens video below.
Frieda Slaves
How did you come up with your drag name?
It came to me in an intoxicated vision at Glastonbury. I think it was the dead queens past coming to me showing my future path. I was at NYC Downlow at the time, the 80’s meatpacking themed gay disco club. It is my proudest achievement coming up with the name – nothing will ever compare, not even if I have kids.
How would you describe your drag persona?
Freida, on stage is fiercely energetic, sensual, and just like the name is rebellious, powerful and undeniably, in a predominantly white queer spaces, stands tall and unapologetically black with it. Everything I’m not as Troy, except the black part, I don’t stop being black and proud.
Who are your drag inspirations?
I’d have to say as a dancing queen, all the great performers past, Diana, Chaka, Prince, Janet, Beyonce, Rihanna etc. Strong forces with huge stage presence. Also all the women I surround myself with, my school friends, aunts, mum, my nan! They’ve all overcome struggles and defined what it is to be a strong independent woman. In terms of actual drag queens, Johnny Woo, John Sizzle, A Man To Pet, Baby Lame, Jodie Harsh, Shea Coulee. May it be their ability to entertain any room they walk into, have establishments that encourages new performers to create and grow, travel the world with their craft, to have half the career, talents, star power as these would be a blessing.
Why do you want to compete in the competition?
I want to be America’s Next Drag Superstar, win a lifetime supply of Anastasia Beverley Hills Make Up and a chance to win 100,000 doll – wait what!? Dammit. I want to be a visible representation of a QPOC. I want all the QPOC to see me and see that they too can exist in such a space. Sink The Pink is now a huge machine that seemingly has no limits, I want that machine behind me to get me to other cities and even countries to show people of colour they don’t have to choose between being a person of colour or the queer lifestyle you can be both! If I had something like Mighty Hoopla when I was younger and saw a QPOC tearing up the stage to a dancehall track my life would have been very different; less struggles and questions.
What makes you stand out from your other competitors?
I’m the black one… and the pretty one.
Describe the perfect date…
Oh I’d have to say April 25th. It’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. Thats such an obvious answer, so if by some queer coincidence (queerincidence?) every other queen has said the same, I’ll go with April 26th – a bit warmer than the 25th innit. Seriously, food! Give me food. I don’t wear padding so I need to fatten up the thighs and butt some how. Ideally a Deliveroo and Netflix. My job is to be out, and interact with strangers. I’m old hun, can we just stay home, have a glass of white and knit?
What is the best way to achieve world peace?
Let women run the world. Men have had a bash at it for the last couple of thousand years, we’ve done a pretty piss poor job, look where we’re at. Elect Judge Judy as president – it makes sense. And free love. Can we stop living by such archaic heteronormative rules please? I think everyone would be less uptight if they could just love and touch whomever, wherever, whenever. I guess what I’m saying is a mass orgy? If you want to join me send nudes to @freidaslaves on instagram.
Watch Frieda’s Meet the Queens video below.
How did you come up with your drag name?
My original name was Barbra Babybatter, because when I was a foetus my mum was carrying twins, but I ate the twin early in and now she lives on inside of me and is activated when I drink Prosecco. I shortened it to BARBS as it’s more impactful and it’s in all capitals because my phone used to autocorrect it to that. It’s pronounced with an abrupt shout.
How would you describe your drag persona?
Anti-drag, anti-glamour, anti-tuck, a challenger of convention. BARBS sets out to prove that femininity can come in all shapes, sizes and bodies. I try to look glamorous and act completely opposite and I want to see how much I can take the piss with the power that comes with drag.
Who are your drag inspirations?
In terms of fashion, I love 90’s supermodels but I would say my aesthetic is boujee mum who has Buck’s Fizz with her breakfast every day. Fashion wise, think Kath and Kim. In terms of inspiration, I want to reclaim the things I was ridiculed for as a child, and so I’m inspired by social constructs and common conceptions about gender and about drag and smashing them.
Why do you want to compete in the competition?
So I can perform on a huge stage with my sxsters and show London who I am and what I do. I started drag as beer money and an opportunity to go to all my favourite bars and clubs for free and now I’m going to be performing on the Troxy stage. I’m just riding this wave as long as I can and taking every opportunity I can, so I have a good wank bank to think back on when I’m old. Also, I remember going to Sink the Pink at Bethnal Green trying drag for the first time so to be a part of the family would be amazing!
What makes you stand out from your other competitors?
All the performers this year I would consider family, and we all stand out for different reasons. I love to serve drama and suspense whilst being care free. I guess you will have to get a ticket and come see for yourself!
Describe the perfect date…
A pint at the glory in East London followed by an orgy lasting four days.
What is the best way to achieve world peace?
By dismantling capitalism and redistributing wealth and resources among the masses. Tax the rich their fair share so we can afford free healthcare and free education, and make it accessible to everyone no matter their background. Dissolve all boarders, dissolve harmful immigration laws and have people govern socially with compassion and empathy. Switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy and look after minority communities. As long as people’s work, pain and suffering remains profitable and the world is owned by greed, we will never have world peace.
Watch Barbs’ Meet the Queens video below.
Taylor Trash
How did you come up with your drag name?
I went to a friends club night dressed in denim hot-pants, a white vest, a check shirt and a Smiffy’s wig with lipstick smeared on my cheeks for blush, and huge blue garage doors for eyes and the guy behind the bar said to me, “What have you come as? Trailer Trash?” and I screamed cos I had no name and from that moment on I called myself Miss Taylor Trash!
How would you describe your drag persona?
Taylor is London’s only Southern Belle-end. She is a fashion icon, philanthropist and promoter of sexual positivity. It doesn’t matter who y’all are bumming, just make sure you’re getting that action baby!
Who are your drag inspirations?
Dolly Parton and Kenny Everett. Cos it costs a lot of money to look this cheap and still all in the best possible taste!
Why do you want to compete in the competition?
I wanna win it! I have never won a thing in my entire life so I want to break that curse and win one of the biggest competitions in the country! If I didn’t win, I’d be ok with it… because I am used to losing. But seriously, it’s such a huge opportunity to perform with some of my favourite people with a full production I’d never get to put on anywhere else. If I was a Pokemon this is my evolutionary moment to become mega Taylor Trash!
What makes you stand out from your other competitors?
No one is doing what I do anywhere – mainly because no one would want to! I stand out because I’m the only competitor this year who is a man pretending to be a woman who is from Edmonton in North East London but pretending to be from the US of A.
Describe the perfect date…
The perfect date would be 30th March 2019. It’s 26 days before the 25th April so it should be really cold and you’ll probably need to wear a light beer jacket. It’s the day of the Miss Sink the Pink crowning and the Trash will finally be in the can.
What is the best way to achieve world peace?
Well, I’d say we should start by making America Great Again and see how that does. Oh wait, someone has tried that already and made it worse? Okay! How about we make Britain Great Again? Oh, someone is trying that at the moment and making a real hash of it too. Hmmm okay… how about rounding up all the evil folks and dropping them in the sea somewhere. That would be nice?
Watch Taylor’s Meet the Queens video below.
Lick Von Dyke
How did you come up with your drag name?
I wanted an action rather than being a Susan, Lick came naturally to me. I actually identify as pansexual but wanted to reclaim a name used against me growing up. I have been considering a name change of late though – will keep you updated.
How would you describe your drag persona?
Unapologetically weird, accidentally rowdy, abrasively pretty, politically outraged.
Who are your drag inspirations?
So of course I am a fan of many local kings, queens and the Ru girls too – as well as characters from across pop culture but my acts come from real people, real situations. I ended up turning drag to process emotions just after the hardest time of my life. It’s a way to rework the energy into something else, something brighter.
Why do you want to compete in the competition?
Miss Sink The Pink is a staple in the London scene’s diet and I fancy a bit of the tasty looking sandwich. Tis also true that competitions have helped me push my drag into new forms which is always an interesting challenge to take on, not going to lie – I love a good brief.
What makes you stand out from your other competitors?
First of all, I adore these creatures and they are fabulous being before they are my competition, and not to be thrown under any bus – it’s just that me and the bus are setting off without them – possibly as the door shuts in their face and they are banging on the door and we drive away to crown city. Some may say my biology, I’d rather say I stand out with my amalgamation of sharp wit, circus antics, versatility of looks and characters – including Mr. Bean! – and ability of being a top shelf silly billy.
Describe the perfect date…
I enter the room, slowly derobe, the lights are low, the bed is huge, inviting, seducing, I willingly, wantingly, enter, and… sleep undisturbed for 9-12 hours. Perfect!
What is the best way to achieve world peace?
Isn’t this a Miss Universe type question? The competition that was built with those little orange hands of Trump. Digging the irony. But if you serious – it’s about taking the power back! We should know by now those in which we are supposed to trust are usually the enemy. But for now, cancelling Brexit would at least be a start…
Tickets for Miss Sink the Pink have completely sold out. However, you can catch the queens at Printworks on 14 April. Check out the details here.