The unique bonds made between straight women and gay men have been examined countless times on stage and screen, but rarely as successfully as in this two-hander currently playing at The Hope Theatre.
We open with high-street pharmacy employee Rachel (Louise Jameson) locked in a pub toilet and refusing to come out and sing karaoke until her best friend turns up to support her. The friend in question, however – Gavin (Nigel Fairs) – is currently wanking into a yogurt pot in a lesbian couple’s wardrobe…
What follows is an unforgettable hour of top quality drama, written and performed by some of the finest talent in the business. Real-life best friends Fairs and Jameson have collaborated together on numerous previous projects, and their genuine bond is gloriously evident here – the love and affection that the characters have for each other brightly shining through, even as they hurl appalling insults at each other.
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Gavin’s recollections of holiday darkroom antics are an hilarious highlight, delivered by Fairs with priceless panache. And while there are laughs-a-plenty, the story does explore some darker avenues – the true reason for Rachel’s reluctance to sing is revealed by Jameson to devastating effect, silencing an audience that only seconds before had been howling with laughter. Both performances are exceptional – packed with pathos and precision – painting a pair of portraits that relate and resonate. These are characters that you can imagine calling friends of your own.
This is a wonderfully witty and uncompromising piece of theatre that is not to be missed. The London fringe is frankly lucky to be graced by such talent.
Gay Times gives My Gay Best Friend – ★★★★★
More information can be found here.
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