“It’s inexcusable. I’m speechless. It’s bad.”

American golfer Justin Thomas has released an apology after television microphones caught him saying a homophobic slur during a PGA Tour event.

After missing the five-foot putt on hole four Thomas shouted the word “f****t” in frustration.

He has since given an apology, stating: “There’s just no excuse. I’m an adult. I’m a grown man. There’s absolutely no reason for me to say anything like that.”

“It’s terrible. I’m extremely embarrassed. It’s not who I am. It’s not the kind of person that I am. But, unfortunately, I did it and i have to own up to it and I’m very apologetic.

“It’s inexcusable. I’m speechless. It’s bad. There’s no other way to put it. I need to do better. I need to be better,” he continued.

Thomas concluded his statement saying that it has been a “learning experience”.

“I deeply apologise to anyone and everybody who I offended and I’ll be better because of it,” he said.

The PGA Tour has also released a statement regarding the incident stating: “As he expressed after his round, we agree that Justin’s comment was unacceptable.”

It has also been reported that Thomas will be fined because of his behaviour but details on his punishment is unknown.