
Officer Specter will not have a girlfriend in the Russian version on Onward.

Despite only existing for a nine-word sentence, Russia has decided to censor the scene in Pixar’s upcoming film Onward, in which Officer Specter mentions her girlfriend’s daughter.

In the film, Lena Waithe plays a cyclops police officer and after pulling over a parent stressed out by the behaviour of his girlfriend’s sons, she sympathetically says: “My girlfriend’s daughter got me pulling my hair out.”

However, Russian outlet Kinopoisk reports that in the Russian version, Officer Specter will use the gender-neutral term ‘partner’ in order to avoid revealing her sexuality.

Representatives from Disney in the country did not return Kinopoisk’s request for comments.

Sadly, this comes as no surprise, as Russia generally moves to restrict LGBTQ content from films, removing a gay sex scene from Rocketman, and changing dialogue in Avengers: Endgame to remove a gay character.

Russia also gave the live-action remake of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast an adult rating due to LeFou’s sexuality, and a scene where he dances with a male partner.

When discussing Officer Spectter, Onward’s producer, Kori Rae, said: “It just kind of happened.” Film director, Dan Scanlon added: “The scene, when we wrote it, was kind of fitting and it opens up the world a little bit, and that’s what we wanted.

“It’s a modern fantasy world and we want to represent the modern world.”

But despite Officer Specter only having a small role this time around, Rae teased more could be to come, saying: “I want to make a whole new movie about Officer Specter, we already have the material.

She [Waithe] basically wrote it all and gave us a back story.”

Watch a trailer for Onward either below or here.

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