So this is where we are in the year – post Halloween, post Bonfire Night, post Thanksgiving and it’s not over yet! The worst is yet to come… The office Christmas party, then your friends and their respective Christmas parties – the chill down time with your family and then the total annihilation that is New Years celebrations! Just thinking about it is exhausting and you know what else might just be exhausted by this? Your skin. Here are a few tips to help you keep that glow up throughout the party season!


The key to glowing skin is all about prepping. We could go on about diet but that was left behind the moment you looked at the leftover sweets you had for trick-or-treaters. Let these three words be your commandments – cleanse, tone and moisturise!


The cleanse:

You can’t get your glow on if your skin isn’t clean! We love Kiehl’s Age Defender Cleanser. It’s a great face wash but can also be used as a mask – you know we love a bit of versatility. 

Buy Now!




The Kiehl’s Oil Eliminator Refreshing Shine Control Spray Toner does exactly what it says on the tin. Once you’re done with your exfoliating regime, just give that gorgeous mug a spritz to close your pores and let the glow begin!

Buy Now!



Last but not least – moisturise! Kiehl’s Ultra Face Cream is of course our go-to however, knowing it’s just before payday and going into Christmas, you might want to let someone buy that for you.

Get Your Kiehl’s Ultra Face Cream Now!

Bulldog Skincare have a great selection of face creams that range from sensitive to oil-prone skin and come in at a great price (let’s keep that wallet looking healthy, hey?)! 

Shop Bulldog Skincare Range Now!





words by Shamirah Sairally