The only sport where you can wear all white and not be mistaken for a backstreet boy.
Ah tennis, the less aggressive (unless you’re a ball boy that gets smacked in the face, not a euphemism…) and cuter alternative to football (clothing wise anyways). It’s the one sport where you can cancel work, sit around eating strawberries and drinking champagne at 11am and not get judged for it. Glorious.
This year, London is opening itself up to the best of Wimbledon and screening your favourite matches, so we’ve only gone and tracked down the best places to get positively tipsy while watching Andy Murray win everything. Better yet, you can basically dress in all white if you want, because who doesn’t love a theme?
So here’s four places to live your best Serena Williams life. Serves up, babes.
LUXE BABE | Bluebird, Chelsea
The big balls are back at Bluebird in Chelsea (that’s tennis balls, get your mind out of the gutter) and you can enjoy all the key games on a big screen in the courtyard while basking in the sunshine. PLUS, they’re offering a special 3 course menu for the finals on the 14th and 15th July for £75, how luxurious.
FANCY PANTS | Plate, Shoreditch
Literally could you get more English than scoffing on afternoon tea while you watch Wimbledon? It’s basically impossible. Plate restaurant in Shoreditch are serving you (pun intended in every way) Pimm’s eclairs, strawberry and cream tarts, buttermilk scones with clotted cream and jam, and a selection of the very best of British sandwiches, because your fancy-dancy ass deserves the very best.
SUN- HOE | Summer of Love Festival, Kings Cross
The screens are back at Kings Cross and, in association with the Summer of Love Festival, will be showing all of the Wimbledon games on the grassy lawn, with classic movies shown after the games. Street food will be available, serving Pimm’s and Prosecco in true British style.
VEGAN SERVE | Tibits, Heddon Street
To celebrate the momentous occasion, Tibits on Heddon Street (that’s basically Regent Street if you’re not familiar) are launching their own ‘Murray Mound’ basically a place for you to get some great food, 200 gin and tonics, watch the live games and live your best life.
What to wear…
As we said before we love a theme, so we’re doing what we do best and being extra af. White, white, white all the way, tennis whites that is. Serve oversized shirts, vintage shorts and a splash of tan and gold accessories, perfect.