Thursday is CANCELLED until further notice.
Iron on patches, fluffy pens, fluffy notebooks, fluffy clipboards, sassy homo-avocados, honeeyyyy, the list goes on. Philip Normal has only good-god-damn gone and collaborated with Paperchase to bring you the sassy stationery you’ve always wanted, and to say we’re obsessed would be the understatement of the year (maybe century).
Be nice to your sugar daddy hun, this collection is gonna rinse you DRY.
Check out our favourite pieces below.
Cher Horowitz could NEVER.
We have been waiting all our lives for an excuse to use a fluffy pen and it would seem that the time is now. It’s pink, it’s sparkly and its fluffy af. If this doesn’t perk up your next meeting with your divorce lawyer or literally shake everyone to the very core the next time you sign an autograph (living our best lives), then we don’t know what will.
“I’m sassy, brassy, but always classssyyyyyyy…”
…to quote Lauren from the Real Housewives of Cheshire (queen). Literally flip open one of these notebooks and let everyone know that you’re a fabulous glamazon bitch ready for the runway, because who needs a holographic ring-binding notebook? Everyone, that’s who.
A fucking clip board!
Who knew we even needed one? Now our lives seem like a non-existent pit of misery because we’re not scribing everything upon a fluffy board.
Use it in lectures, use it at family court – just bloody use it. There is literally nothing more sassy and petty that serving resting bitch face while jotting shit down on your fluffy clip board. Like, what are you even writing? Who knows, who cares, just do it.
Stop waffling on, hun.
That’s our new catchphrase from now until forever. What better way to shut Janet from accounts up than just putting your phone in front of your face and moving on? Nothing.
And don’t forget to live your Elle Woods fantasy by using one of these bags for just about everything you own. Pink and sparkly is the new black.