As we all start to hibernate into our homes for the colder months, Queer Eye’s Bobby Berk is on hand to give his top tips on making your home a bit more homier.

But it’s not only for you, but also any guests you may have visiting over the coming months.

Queer Eye’s design expert has teamed up with Airbnb to cast his eye over some of the apartment available to rent on the platform, giving advice on how the spaces can be made even more appealing for guests.

Tricks of the trade include tips on how to make a small space look bigger, as well as inside info on ways to make your home feel homier.

You can watch Bobby Berk’s top home tips below:

Bobby met up with Airbnb Plus host Melanie in Los Angeles to reveal design secrets to help improve your home quickly and effectively.

What’s more, Bobby was also put under the spotlight for a quick fire round of 20 questions, which you can watch below.

Bobby will be teaming up with is Queer Eye Fab Five crew for a third series of the popular Netflix reboot in the new year.

Details are currently thin on the ground, but we do know that the series will be moving away from Atlanta, Georgia and heading to Kansas City, Missouri.

The first two seasons were able to deal with tough topics like homophobia in religion, racism and police brutality, however it’s unknown whether this new season will continue highlighting these issues, but we’d bet that it will.

In the last season, two wishes of the Fab Five were granted as they made over a woman, Miss Tammye – or Mama to some – as well as a transgender person, in this case Skyler who is a transgender man. Hopefully there will be other firsts in this new season as well.