We know that quitting smoking is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face, but it’s worth it. Here are some top tips to help you ward off cravings, manage stress and keep a positive outlook while you’re on your journey to stop smoking.
Tip 1: Plan Your Quit
Quitting smoking isn’t an easy task. Create a plan that works for you to help you reach your goal.
First, set a date! Choose a date to quit smoking and stick with it. It’s a great way to mentally prepare to stop smoking.
Think about whether you want to quit completely or gradually and find the product(s) that are right for you.
Tip 2: Remember Why You Decided to Quit
Make a list of all the reasons why you want to stop smoking and put it somewhere you’ll see it. When you feel like you want to give up, remind yourself of why you are doing this and keep going!
Tip 3: Use the Money You Save on Cigarettes to Treat Yourself
The average smoker spends around £6.28 a day on cigarettes, which is a whopping £188 a month*.
Make sure you actually see the money you save. Download the Nicorette® app or just start a ‘quitting jar’, to store the saved cash. Then for the fun part – deciding how to spend it.
*Money saved assumptions are based on cutting out all daily cigarettes using an average price of £11.41 per 20 pack (source- Office for National Statistics, RPI: Ave price- Cigarettes 20 king size filter, June 2021), average number of 11 cigarettes a day and 30 days in a month.
Tip 4: Quit With a Friend
Grab a friend or loved one who also wants to quit. That way, you can keep each other motivated and you’ll know you’re not in it alone.
Tip 5: Identify what makes you crave a cigarette
Strengthen your willpower by limiting or skipping triggers you commonly associate with smoking. Learn how to identify your triggers and get tips for conquering your cravings.
Tip 6: Keep busy to resist the urge to smoke
Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, resist it by keeping busy. Cravings usually last 5-10 minutes so make a list of things to do in this time. For example, go for a walk, call a friend, tidy your desk or catch up on the news.
Tip 7: Work out the Stress
Physical activity is a great way of dealing with the stress of quitting. Walk, run, swim, or take up a new activity. Your lung capacity can improve by as much as 10% nine months after you quit so you may be able to do more.
Tip 8: Lean on Your Loved Ones
Tell those around you that you’re trying to quit. They know what an incredible thing you are doing and will support you along the way! When you are struggling to keep it going, lean on them for encouragement!
Tip 9: Think Positive
At times you may want to pack it all in and have another cigarette. When this happens, take a moment to think of all the positives that come with being smoke-free. You could have more energy, a better sense of taste and smell, healthier looking skin, whiter teeth and many more health benefits.
Tip 10: Try Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
When you stop smoking, nicotine withdrawal may make you feel irritable, anxious or down. NICORETTE® can help tackle these nicotine withdrawal symptoms to help you to carry on with your day!
Nicorette® contains nicotine. Stop smoking aid. Requires willpower. Always read the label UK-NI-2100433