Huss is a creative explorer. He is like a Toucan. A vibrant character who soars through the sky; soaking in the beauty of many islands; pecking the fruits of the earth and fluttering his wings. His energy cannot be contained to one climate. After his transatlantic flight of freedom, he brings inspiration to feed his art and restore his heart. Using the inspiration and knowledge he has found along the way to build his nest and sense of home.
We met Huss in the Spring of 2021, when lockdown was lifting and optimism was coming back in waves. Our first feature with Huss explored the power behind his live performance art pieces. As a queer Arab, he combines multiple disciplines like audio, installations, sculptures, to shine healing light on personal and cultural issues, all in an immersive, creative space.
Huss dedicates his love letter to the city of Glasgow. When facing the possibility of being sent back to the Middle East, due to an expiring Visa, the city and his community gave him the power to fight for his place. Huss’ performance usually centers on him concealing his face with a mask, but for this campaign, the mask is placed to the side and we can truly see love shine from every pore.

Dear Glasgow,
It is no secret that you have seen me in all my vulnerability but that is what makes our bond so special. I moved to your city as a teenager who did not know his place in the world. Fast forward to five years later and I am proud of the authentic, unapologetic and brave person you have encouraged me to be. You welcomed me, my art and my story and stood by my side.
Just when I was about to leave you due to my visa expiring and believing that the fight to remain in this country was no longer worth it, I was faced with what I had mentally prepared for all my life-being outed back home. Since then, you fought for me.
It feels like yesterday Caitlin was holding my hands telling me she was going to do everything she can to keep me safe in the country. She kept her promise. It feels like yesterday Drew picked us up from the solicitors office. How far we have come.
All of these memories of losing so much in the blink of an eye feel like they should haunt me but they do not-because in that same blink, I gained so much thanks to my chosen family here, a voice I struggled to find all my life.
Caitlin, Drew, Deej, Alex, Zaynab and all of my Glasgow chosen family, thank you for bringing me back to life.
This is Love,
From Huss.

Through the coming weeks you will get to know more GAY TIMES chosen family member in even more vibrant depth, and in even more Calvin Klein designs – online and across our social platforms.
They all undoubtedly have different superpowers connected to love, but the universal message is the same: Love never stops.
It’s all around us and everywhere we go. Queerness is love. You are love. We are love. This is LOVE.