Here we go again…
The Bermuda Court of Appeal has confirmed that it will hear the government’s case to try and ban the legalisation of same-sex marriage for the second time.
Earlier this year, Bermuda became the first country to repeal the legalisation of same-sex marriage. Governor John Rankin signed a bill replacing the legislation with The Domestic Partnership Act, which allowed gay and straight couples to form domestic partnerships, in the government’s attempt at offering “equal rights”.
Walton Brown, minister of home affairs, said the ruling aims to balance opposition to same-sex marriage with European court rulings, ensuring recognition and protection for same sex-couples on the socially conservative island.
However, back in June, the Supreme Court of Bermuda ruled that it was unconstitutional to re-ban same-sex marriages so it struck down the new legislation.
Bernews reports that the case will return to the Bermuda Court of Appeal from November 7 to November 9. LGBTQ rights activist Tony Brannon criticised the government’s appeal saying: “The politicians of Bermuda seem hellbent in denying equality for a minority.
“The cases involving same sex marriage have been won in the Bermuda Supreme Court. To legislate inequality is indeed a disgrace and a complete affront for human rights.”
Speaking to the Royal Gazette, Brannon added: “They are going to lose again — at least that’s what I think is going to happen. There are people having to put their hands in their pocket to fight for justice and now it is going to come out of the taxpayers’ fund.”
However, Melvyn Bassett, the Chairman of Preserve Marriage said: “We believe we have done our part to encourage the Government to continue to do what the people have expressed they would like in relation to the legislation that was passed. We anticipate that the Court of Appeal will honour the Government’s appeal.”
When pressed on whether same-sex marriage should ever be allowed in Bermuda, he responded by saying: “Maybe, but right now there are many people here in this community who are fighting to ensure that does not happen, for the sake of our children, during our lifetime.”