Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Can you imagine trying to prove that Mike Pence isn’t anti-gay?

The sitting Vice President has a long and terrible history of attacking the LGBTQ community, whether it’s his support for conversion ‘therapy’ or his opposition to hate crime protections and marriage equality.

Oh, and there’s also that time that Trump allegedly joked that Pence ‘wants to hang gay people’ (this was later denied, but at this point we don’t know what to believe).

But it seems the reality show that is the White House is now trying to give him a redemption arc of sorts, as they’ve enlisted deputy press secretary Judd Deere – who is openly gay himself – to try and prove that Pence isn’t actually anti-gay after all.

It’s a big task. Could he do it? Well, not quite…

“For all of you who still think our Vice President is anti-gay, I point you to his and the Second Lady’s schedule tomorrow where they will join Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and his partner Dr Matthew Barrett for lunch in Ireland,” he tweeted.

So let’s get this straight. Because Pence is willing to attend a formal dinner with a gay world leader and his husband – which is part of his job description, essentially – that means he can’t possibly be homophobic or hold anti-gay beliefs?

Sure, Jan.

Fortunately, nobody bought it, and the good people of Twitter (there aren’t that many, but they come through when we need them most) were on hand to deliver some home truths to Deere and point out how ridiculous his argument is.

“Are you for real?!” wrote Queer Eye’s interior designer Bobby Berk.

Drag Race star Willam added: “I can’t believe you think this tweet bolsters your case. He was all for conversion therapy?!? C’mon!”