As part of our partnership with Skittles®, David Manzini, General Manager Mars Wrigley UK writes about why you should send a letter filled with pride. To send your own letter, visit lettersfilledwithpride.com
We believe that during Pride only one rainbow matters.
That’s why, for nearly half a decade in the UK, we’ve removed the rainbow from Skittles® treats to show our support for the LGBTQ+ community. This year, though, Pride will be different. Most physical events will be cancelled, and our streets will be the poorer without the uninhibited celebration full of love and the stunning array of colour that blossoms so beautifully in our communities during the month of Pride. Summer just won’t be the same.
The essence of Pride, though, and its embrace of inclusion, the pursuit of equality and the important platform it provides for LGBTQ+ voices, will not be cowed by Coronavirus. It has been uplifting to see people from around the UK – including our own LGBTQ+ colleagues – finding ways to come together virtually or at a safe distance to celebrate the love within and for the LGBTQ+ community and raise its visibility, even in the exceptional circumstances of this pandemic.
It is in this spirit that Skittles® has joined forces with GAY TIMES to post thousands of letters filled with Pride to people around the UK. I know that Pride is an individual experience and, although bound by the pursuit of a kinder and more inclusive world, it means different things to different people. For me, it’s about reflecting on how I can be the best ally I can and celebrating the diverse community that I work with, and am lucky to live in.
Reconnecting with our friends and family and taking stock of what’s important to each of us is even more important in this period of isolation and uncertainty. No matter what Pride means to you, if you want to put something down in writing, let someone know that you’re there for them, or perhaps just reminisce about a shared experience in a special way, please head to lettersfilledwithpride.com where you can write your letter. We’ll be proud and happy to send it for you.
David Manzini, General Manager Mars Wrigley UK