“I kind of likened it to being in a race car. You’re racing, you’re in the lead, having fun, and then some other fuckwad pulls the emergency brake and you just skid out and crash,” Jimbo says of her highly controversial elimination on RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs the World. “It was a great big giant car crash, train-wreck, and I was tossed to the side and left to die.”
Following two consecutive wins for the ham-assisted clown routine that introduced the world to her bonkers alter-ego, Casper the Baloney Ghost, and her acclaimed runways for the RuPaul Ball, the star was booted from the international spin-off by Thailand co-host Pangina – or as Jimbo affectionally calls her, Mangina – Heals. Online, chaos ensued – with many criticising the “tired” All Stars format of queens having the power to send one another home, which has also seen frontrunners such as Shangela and Manila Luzon lose out on crowns to outcry from viewers.
“It’s a bit of a copout,” Jimbo opines of the format. “[The judges] literally saunter in at the end of the day after we’ve done everything, sit there and crack a few bad jokes, eat a snack and then they go back to their hotel. It’s like, ‘Mmm. I’m not the boss around here, but I’m pretty sure if you have the time to lean, you’ve got time to clean. And if you’ve got time to be mean, then you’ve got the time to do your fucking job and judge these hoes so that I don’t get sent home by some bitch.'”
In full character as the drag equivalent of a Cock Destroyer (see video below for visual reference), Jimbo doesn’t hold back as she discusses her exit, how her fellow contestants “can’t take a fricking joke” and her insane plans for Snatch Game. Like we said above, this is the most chaotic Jimbo interview you will ever read. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines…
Jimbo! How are you?
I’m great Sam, how are you?
[Your tits] are making me die. Can you show them to the camera?
You mean these? You mean this? Is this what you want to see? After everything I’ve been through? Ugh god, I already did my morning workout, but thank you for asking me to do it again.
I needed to see these tig ol’ biddies on the season. Why didn’t they make it?
I couldn’t afford them back then, but I used all the money I didn’t win on the show and I got them.
Well, you’ve never looked more Cock Destroyer-y.
You know what? I’m a preserver of cocks. I don’t destroy them, I plant them like beautiful trees, deep inside. And I am more of a conservator of cocks. Cock Destroying is so 2020 and now it’s all about ‘Save the Cocks’ – you heard it here first. Don’t destroy them, just pet them, feed them, love them and release them back into the wild.
Jimbo, this is an important cause, so I applaud you for stepping up and using your platform to raise awareness.
Thank you. I have this platform, and it’s actually a platform shoe and I’m looking for the other one. Have you seen it?
If I find it, I will contact you immediately.
Oh my god, thank you. I’m just so lost sometimes.
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Jimbo, I have to say your exit was even more iconic than your exit on Canada’s Drag Race. I was howling.
Me too! And I meant every word of it. I’m gonna get that bitch, and her little dog.
With two consecutive wins under your belt, your elimination is one of the most shocking ever. At the time, how did it feel being chopped from at the halfway point when you were killing it?
I kind of likened it to being in a race car. You’re racing, you’re in the lead, having fun, and then some other fuckwad pulls the emergency brake and you just skid out and crash. So, that’s basically what happened. It was a great big giant car crash, train-wreck, and I was tossed to the side and left to die. So, that’s how that felt.
Perfect analogy. I think everyone on social media felt the same way. There was a lot of controversy online, and many fans have expressed how they no longer want the queens to have the power of elimination, as all the fan-favourites are getting the chop. What are your thoughts on this? Should it go back to lip-syncing for your life?
Yeah, I think it’s a bit of a copout. I honestly do. Ru and the judges have one job to do and it’s more than just eating snacks and making jokes and sitting there in their outfets. We’re already bringing all of our looks that we bought and paid for. We are the ones learning how to dance. We are the ones under the hot, bright lights working for hours at a time. They literally saunter in at the end of the day after we’ve done everything, sit there and crack a few bad jokes, eat a snack and then they go back to their hotel. It’s like, ‘Mmm. I’m not the boss around here, but I’m pretty sure if you have the time to lean, you’ve got time to clean. And if you’ve got time to be mean, then you’ve got the time to do your fucking job and judge these hoes so that I don’t get sent home by some bitch.’ Oops, I mean my friend, that I love so much. Please don’t send Mangina hate. She is a glorious, glorious creature that deserves only love… And one day of sun a year.

I’m glad you’ve jumped to Pangina’s defence because she’s getting a lot of hate thrown her way again…
And it’s not nice.
What would you say to fans of yours who are behind some of these inexcusable comments?
I would say that drag is all about a sense of humour. Life… If you don’t laugh, you’re gonna cry. And if you’re crying, you’re probably not looking cute! So, I would say: laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Jokes are the best prescription, so write yourself a prescription for a big fat joke and have a laugh. Don’t take things too seriously. Pangina is literally a human being – I know it’s hard to believe, but she actually is. And she has feeling… She has a feeling. I think it’s in her left foot, and we have to be careful with that feeling. We have to cherish that feeling because she deserves everything and she doesn’t deserve any hate, so my message to my fans is: don’t hate, celebrate. There’s no time, hating makes you wrinkled. Hating makes you ugly. Hating makes you nasty. So, why not just spread love? Why not send Pangina some false accolades? Why not send her a joke? Why not say, ‘Hey, I actually really like you but… be crossing your fingers.’ That’s easy.
This episode, there was a bit of negativity thrown your way when it came out that you were trying to form alliances with the queens. When watching previous seasons of All Stars, I don’t blame you. Number of challenge wins doesn’t matter with this format, it’s all about alliances. Were you surprised at their reactions?
I was. I am surprised. I am surprised that, a, they’re not more funny in general, and b, that they can’t take a fricking joke. They’re all acting like we’re supposed to be there around a campfire like we’re a bunch of girl guides tying each other’s shoes, brushing each other’s hair and sharing our sandwiches because our moms forgot to pack us lunch. It’s like, ‘No. This is a competition, bitch. I love you and we’re all friends, but it’s a fricking game. Hello?’ And I was playing the game. Juju has been on the show forever. Everyone loves Juju so, ‘Protect Juju at all costs!’ and I wanted to give Cheryl a chance because she’s an underdog like me. We’re both underdogs and so I wanted to take my time to help save her. I felt really bad pulling Juju’s lipstick because you’d feel bad pulling anyone’s lipstick. There’s no one’s lipstick that you’re gonna pull and be like, ‘This feels great.’ Everyone’s gonna feel sad. Everyone’s gonna hate it. But, I just wish that the other girls had a bit more of a sense-of-humour and weren’t so offended. Everyone’s like, ‘Oh! Oh okay, so you pulled her lipstick?’ Bitch, there’s two of them, okay? There’s only two. You have to pull one. That’s a 50/50 chance that you’re gonna be pulling a lipstick. Well, it’s a 100% chance you’re gonna pull a lipstick and a 50/50 chance you’re gonna pull a name on it that’s not the other name. So, shut the hell up. I’m not a mathematician but I know the odds are not there, or whatever.
Although the queens found your lipstick choices controversial, it seems as if most people online agreed with your picks…
Yeah, it’s true. Well, it’s not true, but what’s true is that they’re a bunch of stupid hoes. When you see the whole world go, ‘Hello!’ then it’s like… Stupid hoes don’t know. So, what are you gonna do? They’re my sisters. I love them. I’m guilty of being a stupid hoe too, so no judgement, no hate. Obviously, they were hooked on hairspray like Baga.
Watching this series, it’s obvious that RuPaul was obsessed with you. Seeing as how she’s one of your idols, and you didn’t get judged by her the first time, what was this experience like for you?
This was an absolute dream come true and it was so exciting to be in the same room, and be playing a game with Mama Ru. It was an epic dream come true, and my crown is just being my authentic self and having somebody that I love and admire cherish that and help showcase that. It was just amazing, and I was so grateful. I think that she thought that I was stealing the show, so she was like, ‘Erm, we need to make room for my favourites, and you’re kind of taking up all the airtime when the favourites are just sitting around, so we have to get rid of you so that the favourites can do what they’re doing and have it seem more important.’
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We have to discuss your ham-assisted clown performance. It is, without a doubt, my favourite Drag Race moment of all time. Please can you talk me through the inspiration behind the routine, as well as the true meaning of the ham?
Well, I’m a clown by training. It’s also my understanding of performance and my connection to my audience. As a drag queen in the classic sense, there isn’t always a lot of room to really showcase my clown and other characters because a lot of drag revolves around presenting – especially on RuPaul’s Drag Race – in a feminine way. And so, I used the talent show as my gateway to showcase something that I wasn’t going to be able to showcase otherwise, which is my weird and wacky and wonderful clown self. I used my character, Casper the Baloney Ghost, that I had performed before in my town, Victoria, and I had received a lot of love from people enjoying that character, living for that character. I thought, ‘This is the one that I’m gonna show Ru first.’ I really wanted to do a number based on my fear, which is: what if I don’t have any talent? ‘What if I go to this talent show, my dreams come true and I’m on the world stage and I have no talent?’ I feel like that’s the universal feeling that everybody has. ‘What if I’m not enough? What if I don’t bring it? What if I’m not the best? What if I’m not the best version of myself in that moment?’ So, I wanted to really speak to that in a clever way and show that the talent is always deep inside. It doesn’t always have to be a stack of baloney you’ve been sitting on for two hours falling out of your man-gina. But, it could be something deep inside of you. Like deep inside of you, Sam.
Jimbo, the fact that you were eliminated before Snatch Game is homophobic. Your Joan Rivers is one of the all-time greats. Tell me, please, who would you have impersonated for your second round and why?
I was gonna let RuPaul choose in the werkroom walk around, but I had brought Amy Sedaris as Jerri Blank and I had also brought Bobcat Goldthwait, which is this comedian from the 80s who had this really erratic and speech pattern. He was very phonetic and rubbed his hair a lot, so it was gonna be a lot of physical comedy as well as some vocal effects. It was gonna be really funny. I had some really funny things up my sleeve. I brought a taxidermy turtle named Shelley, all the way across multiple borders. Shelley was gonna be a hit. It was gonna be Shelley’s moment. Shelley is my pet turtle, who I love so much. Where is Shelley? Oh my god. I realised I haven’t seen Shelley in a while now. She’s probably fine, Sam.
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs the World episode 3 is now available to stream on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer.