A’Whora has apologised to Veronica Green for offensive comments she made after a show which recently resurfaced online.

A video of A’Whora and Tayce playing ‘Snog, Marry, Kill’ on stage after a show began circulating on Twitter, prompting a response from the former Drag Race contestant.

In the clip, the Drag Race UK star reveals she would “kill Veronica Mean” because “she’s shit, she’s annoying, [and] she’s a little cunt backstage.”

Tayce then also says Green would be her “kill” choice “because she’s a cocky slag.”

A’Whora has since taken to Twitter to apologise for her remarks, explaining that she is “deeply sorry” to Green.

“Speaking on the video that surfaced from a show between me & Tayce many months back, I want to apologise publicly to Veronica, my priority before this statement after seeing the video was to apologise to Veronica myself directly first hand,” A’Whore wrote.

“In that situation on the video we were asked to play a game of snog, marry, avoid’ which is something we are asked to do at the mid/end of our shows, each time being different answers and different people, it’s light hearted and a time for us to read our sisters, give gossip or tease the crowd. Nothing in which I said was meant in malice, harm or to try and damage someone’s character.

“I take full ownership and responsibility of what I said and in how the nature of us was perceived I am also not proud of it. In this situation I had gotten drunk with the girls and being playful in my Q&A section, but that is still no excuse. Veronica is someone who I have never had an issue with, someone who is kind, loyal and stands up for what she believes in and for that I have always had huge respect for her!”


A’Whora continued: “She is someone who throughout her music I have supported, throughout issues I have been there to message her when needed, and someone who deserves more respect than she is given!

“The ‘backstage’ comment was actually referential to a time me and my sisters all commended Veronica on when she spoke out to a company who was Mis-treating us, and she for sure put them in their place and made all of us feel comfortable!

“A time in which Veronica said you won’t try, you will DO’ and that was something that has stayed with me throughout many situations as a note to take! I value Veronica, and devalue myself in this situation.

“She is a good person, and doesn’t deserve to hear those kind of comments even in jest. I love Veronica, and she is a sister to me and my season sisters and now an even greater addition to her current! and for this I am deeply sorry.”

Green is yet to directly respond to A’Whora’s comments, but 15 minutes prior to the apology being posted she thanked fans for their love and support.

“The love I’ve received over the last few days has truly touched me,” she wrote. “I’m grateful to have so many supportive friends, fans & followers and want to thank everyone for their kindness. I’ve got a LOT of exciting things coming up, so it’s time to focus on the future. Love you ALL.”