A soon-to-be-released Channel 4 documentary is set to look into the obstacles LGBTQ+ people face in Premier League football.
The new digital documentary, titled Football’s Coming Out, looks into why one of the most popular sports in the world has such little LGBTQ+ representation.
It will explore what the road may look like for a Premier League footballer if they did come out, including the challenges they may face and how fans, financial donors and the press could react.
Football’s Coming Out will utilise historical case studies and archive footage to understand how the past could influence the future.
Viewers will hear from the likes of Leeds United striker Patrick Bamford, former Premier League manager Ian Holloway and Amal Fashanu, niece of Justin Fashanu and founder of The Justin Fashanu Foundation, among others.
Jack Newman, Executive Producer at Bullion, the company producing the documentary, said: “We are extremely proud of this documentary which comes at a crucial moment in time for discussions of LGBTQ+ representation in top tier football.
“At Bullion we have always tried to champion unheard and underrepresented stories.
“Working with Channel 4 and our array of important contributors, we hope that the documentary furthers these conversations and works as a road map for those players who are yet to come out publicly.”
Thomas Pullen, Digital Commissioner, added that the “important and compelling documentary has been over a year in the making”.
He continued: “In the doc, we have spoken to a series of incredibly bold figures from the football industry who have all been open and willing to contribute to this much needed and crucial conversation on LGBTQ+ representation in the one of the most popular sports in the world.”
Football’s Coming Out will launch on All 4 and Channel 4’s YouTube on 25 January 2022.
Watch the trailer below or by clicking here.